Global Advanced Metals Declared Conformant to Minerals Due Diligence Audit Standard for Twelve Consecutive Years
Global Advanced Metals
Global Advanced Metals Pty Ltd (GAM), a leading producer of tantalum powders, additive manufacturing powders, and metallurgical products, has successfully undergone conflict minerals due diligence audits by the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI). Following the September 2021 audits, RMAP-RMI has determined GAM Aizu, Japan and Pennsylvania, USA facilities conformant to its audit standard for the twelfth time. “Successful RMI-RMAP audits are a reflection of GAM’s holistic approach to due diligence, which includes strategic engagement and collaboration with organizations like the Public Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade (PPA), the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Multi-Stakeholders Group among others.” said Mark Lackey, GAM Vice-President of Global Operations The RMI-RMAP conflict-minerals due diligence audit program is led and supported by a cross section of industries (e.g., Electronics, Aerospace, Automotive), governments, and other stakeholders. Downstream companies rely on the compliance of smelters like GAM to comply with US Dodd-Frank 1502, EU conflict minerals regulations, and other applicable regulations GAM will continue to enhance its management system approach to minerals due diligence through outreach activities such as: the June 2021 presentation at the D. R. Congo National Episcopal Conference Forum on the Management of Natural Resources and the Environment, and engagement with local University students to share the importance of the role of business in promoting ethical sourcing. About GAM A leading conflict-free tantalum producer, GAM has exclusive rights to the world’s largest industrial resources of tantalum ore located in Western Australia. GAM produces conflict-free tantalum powders and metallurgical products at its Pennsylvania, USA and Aizu, Japan plants for a range of industries including electronics, aerospace, automotive, medical and chemical processing. GAM’s smelting facilities in Japan and the USA were first declared “Conflict-Free” in 2010 under the former EICC/GeSI Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) audit program and continue to maintain their conformance to the current (RMAP) standard. About RBA, RMI and RMAP The Responsible Business Alliance—RBA was formerly known as the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition—EICC, The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) was formerly known as the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative—CFSI, and The Responsible Minerals Assurance Process—RMAP was formerly known as the Conflict Free Smelter Program—CFSP. Contact Details Global Advanced Metals Jean-Paul Meutcheho +1 610-369-8165 JMeutcheho@globaladvancedmetals.com Company Website https://globaladvancedmetals.com/
March 01, 2022 08:03 AM Eastern Standard Time