Tips to Help Drivers Save Money
Rising prices for new and used cars, sky-rocketing gas prices and the need to lower carbon intensity have made it more important than ever to not only keep your car running longer, but to maximize fuel economy. Doing so is good for your car, the environment, and your wallet. Recently, ASE certified mechanic and shop owner Frank Leutz teamed with Chevron Lubricants to discuss some simple steps people can take to save money on automobile maintenance. A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/zkBoVju6KHo Whether you need to replace your air filters, check your tire pressure, watch your speed, or avoid the AC a little more, there are plenty of things people can do to save some money on their automobile maintenance. An easy tip that’s better for your car, your wallet and the environment is to change your motor oil with Havoline® PRO-RSTM Renewable Full Synthetic Motor Oil, a new top-tier, renewable full synthetic motor oil that includes 25% sustainably sourced plant-based oils and doesn’t sacrifice performance. Havoline PRO-RS offers superior fuel economy retention to help save on fuel costs and has up to 37% lower carbon intensity than a comparable full synthetic motor oil*. Havoline PRO-RS comes in Havoline’s recyclable, cardboard Smart Change packaging that has 20% more oil than traditional five-quart motor oil packaging, and reduces plastic waste by 70% compared to traditional plastic quart bottles. It’s available on Walmart.com in four viscosity grades. Even if you don’t change your own oil, you can still feel good about purchasing Havoline PRO-RS by taking it to wherever you get your oil changed and having them use this product in your vehicle. For more information, visit havoline.com/smartchangeprors and be sure to purchase it on Walmart.com. About Frank Leutz Frank Leutz is an ASE Certified Technician and nationally recognized, award-winning automotive repair shop owner with a multitude of locations as the founder of the Desert Car Care brand. As a true leader in the automotive world, Frank has served as President of the Phoenix Chapter of the Automotive Service Association, as well as on the National ASA Mechanical Operations Committee. He’s also the host of the award-winning Wrench Nation Car Talk Radio Lifestyle Show, regularly makes appearances as a car care expert for Phoenix Metro TV networks, and is a frequent panelist and presenter at automotive conferences such as Ratchet & Wrench, Automotive Service Association (ASA) National, and Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (APPEX). * Lower carbon intensity on a lifecycle basis compared to PRO-DS SAE 0W-20 viscosity grade; lifecycle analysis based only on cradle-to-gate analysis and doesn't include carbon intensity for end-of-life or any in-use aspects of the lifecycle analysis. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
September 09, 2022 03:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time