Schools Procure Maple Hotspots to Bridge the Homework Gap
Maple, a provider of reliable, remote online access for students, announced its fully portable and pocket-sized Internet connectivity solutions, powered by StratusX, are being deployed to thousands of students to narrow the Homework Gap in the United States. Many school systems continue to work with Maple to procure CIPA compliant mobile internet hotspots using funding from the Federal Communications Commission’s Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF). Maple leaders are encouraging schools to utilize an extension of the ECF application process (with a waiver request) to secure the funding necessary to provide students with the safe and reliable online access they need. Leading education organizations continue to work collaboratively with the public sector and private enterprise to solve these [connectivity] issues and get technology into the hands of students. The National School Boards Association has prioritized promoting digital equity and closing the Homework Gap. One of the organization’s core policy objectives is “…eliminating broadband infrastructure gaps and investing in students and families without adequate high-speed broadband and/or Internet devices...” “Without equal access to education and online resources, students in underserved, minority, lower-income, and rural communities are adversely affected,” stated Michael Kadisha, Chief Executive of Maple. “Teachers assign homework requiring access to the Internet, and students need it to learn. This is a necessity, not a luxury. It is a profound issue of fundamental fairness facing our society today and determines access to opportunities down the road.” “Access to a good education is one of the most important issues of our time, and the most pressing within it is closing the Homework Gap,” Kadisha continued. “While we are encouraged by the thousands of students, educators, families, and communities that will benefit from our technology, there is still much to do. We are looking to partner with more schools to utilize the ECF program to request 100% funding for student connectivity needs.” Maple leaders are currently working with schools that missed the May 13 deadline to utilize the Emergency Connectivity Fund extension. Waivers are available, but schools must act quickly. There is a 30-day window remaining to submit funding applications. “Working together, we will eliminate inequities and close the Homework Gap as we reliably connect students and educators from anywhere,” Kadisha continued. Many schools have already worked with Maple to procure hotspots for thousands of students utilizing the ECF application process. Education leaders chose to work with Maple based on superior technology and the company’s commitment to bridging solutions for education. Maple and its leadership have a proven history of philanthropy, advocating for education, and serving students. Maple’s parent company developed Treedom, a leading service-based scholarship platform. Through these initiatives, Maple recognized that while students wanted to access their educational resources, they had no or poor connectivity at home. “The stories of entire families relying on one caregiver’s cell phone or public WiFi to complete assignments is troubling. While the loss of learning and economic opportunity is measurable, the inequity for students who only want a fair shot to learn is not. We remain committed to addressing this injustice,” Kadisha said. Maple hotspots eliminate the frustration associated with slow or ‘spotty’ service. Students in areas that struggle with broadband access, when utilizing Maple technology, can reliably access the Internet securely whenever and wherever they want. Devices switch between mobile carrier networks to provide the best possible signal. This benefit prevents disruptions that may arise with any carrier resulting from weather or technical issues. With Maple connections, the Internet is always available for students. About Maple Maple provides trusted technology solutions for schools, libraries, students, and educators that close the digital divide by delivering high-quality internet access and valuable educational experiences to students. Please visit https://www.mapleconnect.co/. ### For more information or to schedule an interview with a Maple spokesperson, contact Dan Rene of kglobal at daniel.rene@kglobal.com or 202-329-8357. Contact Details Dan Rene +1 202-329-8357 daniel.rene@kglobal.com Company Website https://www.mapleconnect.co/
May 20, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time