Neighborhood Sun Launches Campaign to Increase Access to Community Solar and Cost Savings for Columbia County Residents
Neighborhood Sun
Neighborhood Sun, a community solar company making affordable solar accessible to all through its advanced community solar software platform, Sun Engine (™), is launching a county-wide community solar campaign to spread awareness and promote equitable access to clean energy across Columbia County, New York. Starting this week, Neighborhood Sun, which recently merged with NY-based Astral Power, is partnering with OYA Solar, a leading solar developer and independent power producer, and the Columbia County Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Task Force to educate residents and businesses about the many benefits of community solar. To celebrate the campaign, Neighborhood Sun is offering each new subscriber a $100 sign-on bonus as well as a $100 donation to the county’s sustainability fund in their name. Neighborhood Sun and OYA Solar are supporting the CSC ’s mandate and the State’s net-zero targets by developing, constructing and operating community solar projects across New York. CSC is a New York State program that helps local governments take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate. " We need community solar because only about 30 percent of people can have their own panels," said Angus Eaton, Chair of the Town of Chatham CSC. Unlike with rooftop solar, anyone can participate in community solar because it doesn’t involve any installations, costs, or fees for subscribers – just savings and local clean energy. Additionally, consolidated billing allows subscribers to receive only one monthly electric bill, making billing more convenient and increasing equitable access for Low- and Moderate-Income residents. Annual electricity costs can be reduced by up to 10% with the clean energy credits from community solar. Columbia County residents, businesses, and organizations can now sign up for community solar through Neighborhood Sun’s SunEngine ™ advanced software platform, which offers flexibility, security, and transparency to customers using a simplified enrollment process. Community Solar is a statewide program that incentivizes people with reduced electricity bills for participating in their community’s transition to clean energy. All public utility ratepayers in N.Y. already pay a System Benefit Charge (SBC) on their utility bill to support the Clean Energy Fund. “The CSC Task Force has taken the guesswork out of community solar for its citizens by making it a wasted opportunity for residents and businesses who don't subscribe,” said Cara Humphrey, VP Strategic Sales, Neighborhood Sun. About Neighborhood Sun Neighborhood Sun is committed to bringing the promise of solar to all – not just the select few. The Certified B Corporation is a national leader in expanding solar access to underserved communities to address energy equity. Through its SunEngine™ advanced software platform, it offers a flexible, secure and fully transparent platform for solar developers or asset owners, plus a simplified enrollment experience for customers. For more information, go to www.neighborhoodsun.solar For more information about this program, contact Cara Humphrey at (914) 475-1395 or cara.humphrey@neighborhoodsun.solar About OYA Solar OYA Solar is a North American full-service solar developer and independent power producer. Its projects provide clean energy and widespread economic and environmental benefits for landowners, communities, and energy customers. It is committed to developing and operating solar projects, with a particular focus on community solar, that incentivize the participation of low-to-moderate income households. Founded in 2009, OYA is the first North American solar platform to have been certified as a diverse supplier and minority business enterprise. We have successfully monetized in excess of 1,400 MW DC of distributed and utility-scale solar projects across North America and our current development pipeline exceeds 3 GW DC. For more information, please visit www.oyasolar.com. Contact Details Wilkinson + Associates for Neighborhood Sun Mrs Leah F Wilkinson +1 703-907-0010 leah@wilkinson.associates Company Website https://neighborhoodsun.solar
April 04, 2022 11:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time