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JetASAP Releases January 2023 Activity Report of Hourly Cost for On Demand Aircraft Charter


McapMediaWire -- JetASAP, the only truly live commission-free private aircraft marketplace connecting flyers directly to charter operators, today announces their latest charter activity report. January hit a record number of quotes sent to flyers via the JetASAP app, ending the month with 1,995 quotes. As the charter market continues to cool, flyers averaged 12 quotes per trip request as aircraft availability increases. This aircraft supply increase can be seen across all classes of aircraft. Hourly rates ended the month on average 6% below December. Turbo props and super mid jets decreased by 6% followed by a 7% decrease for mid jets. The largest decrease was seen in the light jet category of 8% with the smallest decrease in the heavy jet category of 3%. All average hourly rates are based on actual occupied passenger flight hours from takeoff to landing. Source: JetASAP hourly rates are based on direct quotes from charter operators’ flight charges received through the JetASAP platform. Data was collected from January 2023 and is based on 1,995 quotes received by flyers through the app. Hourly rates are “All In” and include federal excise tax (FET), fuel surcharges, as well as daily minimums, if applicable In addition to flyers receiving live quotes from charter operators, the company also offers a feature in the app that allows aircraft operators to post available trips, including empty legs and one-way flights. For the first time, JetASAP shares this new data of average hourly rates for these empty legs and one-ways. The below rates were collected from 9,640 trips that included pricing during the time period. These rates on average are 38% lower than standard operator quote hourly rates. If flyers are flexible this is a great way to take advantage of substantial trip discounts. These trips are not scheduled flights. They may be negotiable and offer alternate airports and dates. Flyers are encouraged to reach out to operators to get quotes and see if they can accommodate their travel requirements. All average hourly rates are based on actual occupied passenger flight hours from takeoff to landing. Source: JetASAP hourly rates are based on pricing for empty leg and one-way trips posted by operators for their aircraft availability, from 9,640 trips. Taxes and fees may apply. JetASAP offers an on-demand charter option via an app which allows flyers to receive direct access to charter aircraft operators without any commissions, prepaid jet card memberships or high buy-in costs. By connecting flyers directly with aircraft operators, clients can receive live quotes from operators’ sales teams that are ready to book. Compliments of the company’s sponsors, their annual subscription is currently being offered at only $99/year for unlimited access to the app. To learn more, please visit or download the app from the Apple App Store. About JetASAP JetASAP provides subscribers with a full suite of features to source and book their charter flights, commission free. These charter tools include: the ability to submit trip requests to over 700 charter operators and receive live bookable quotes; the JetRATE intelligent cost estimate tool; exclusive partner services at discounted rates, such as Charter Flight Support’s aircraft coverage and support when a booked aircraft becomes unavailable due to a mechanical issue; the JetSEARCH operator directory; and the ability to search and book 2,000+ daily trip deals in their live operator availability feature, which includes empty-legs, one-ways, must-move flights and transient aircraft. This list is previously unpublished and exclusive to JetASAP. Contact Details JetASAP Lisa Sayer +1 954-802-2723 Company Website

February 09, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.

本文是为便利而提供的英文原文的中文翻译。如有不一致之处,以英文版为准。 Foresight Automotive Ltd.(纳斯达克和TASE:FRSX)(“Foresight”或“公司”),一家汽车视觉的创新者,今天宣布其全资子公司福飒特(常州)汽车科技有限公司(“福飒特常州”)荣获位于江苏省的中以常州创新园(“CICP”)颁发的国际合作优秀企业奖。 上月底,园区召开了2023年工作动员大会。会上,为表彰福飒特(常州)对国际合作的重大贡献,园区授予其“国际合作优秀企业”称号。福飒特(常州)是入驻该园区近200家公司中获得该荣誉称号的五家公司之一。 “很高兴获此殊荣,感谢CICP对我们努力工作的认可。去年,我们与顺为智能签署了一项商业协议,并与若干新的潜在客户建立了良好沟通。去年,也是中国与以色列建立外交关系30周年。当前,中以自由贸易协定的谈判正在进行中,我们期待谈判尽早结束并顺利签署协议,这将有望为汽车行业带来更多机会。随着中国国内疫情防控措施进一步放宽,两国间航班逐步恢复,福飒特会继续争当两国创新合作的领航者并不断拓展在中国的活动,”福飒特(常州)首席执行官Oren Bar-On表示。 Foresight于2021年底在CICP注册,并于2022年11月与顺为智能签署了一份高达5100万美元的商业合同,为园区以及常州市的开放创新和高质量发展做出了积极贡献。 关于中国以色利创新园 中国以色列创新园是首个由中以两国政府签约共建的创新示范园区。园区成立于2015年,由时任国务院副总理刘延东和时任以色列外交部长利伯曼共同揭牌,被中国国家发改委认定为“中以高技术产业合作重点区域”。园区已汇聚众多以色列独资及中以合作企业,促成中以合作项目涵盖众多领域,并建成以色列江苏创新中心等一批创新平台及载体。 关于Foresight Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.(纳斯达克和特拉维夫股票交易所代码:FRSX)是一家开发智能多光谱视觉软件解决方案和基于蜂窝的应用程序的技术公司。通过公司的全资子公司Foresight 汽车有限公司,福飒特(常州)汽车科技有限公司和Eye-Net 移动有限公司,Foresight开发了“视线内”视觉系统和“视线外”事故预防解决方案。 Foresight的视觉解决方案包括自动标定和稠密的3D点云模块,可应用于汽车、国防、自动驾驶车辆和重工业设备等不同市场。Eye-Net 移动公司的基于蜂窝的解决方案套件通过结合尖端AI技术和先进分析,提供实时碰撞前警报,可以增强城市移动环境中所有道路使用者的道路安全和态势感知。 有关Foresight及其全资子公司Foresight 汽车的更多信息,请访问,在Twitter上关注@Foresightauto1,或在LinkedIn上加入Foresight Automotive。 前瞻性声明 本新闻稿包含1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》和其他联邦证券法中“安全港”条款含义内的前瞻性声明。“期望”、“预期”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“寻求”、“估计”等词语以及此类词语的类似表达或变体旨在识别前瞻性陈述。例如,Foresight在本新闻稿中使用了前瞻性声明,讨论了在中国创造更多机会的可能性,并表示继续争当两国创新合作的领航者并不断拓展在中国的活动。由于此类声明涉及未来事件,并基于Foresight当前的预期,因此它们会受到各种风险和不确定性的影响,Foresight的实际结果、绩效或成就可能与本新闻稿中声明所述或暗示的内容存在重大差异。 本新闻稿中包含或暗示的前瞻性陈述会受到其他风险和不确定性的影响,包括2022年3月31日提交给美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)的Foresight年度报告20-F表格中“风险因素”标题下讨论的风险和不确定因素,以及随后提交给SEC的任何文件。除非法律另有要求,Foresight没有义务公开发布对这些前瞻性声明的任何修订,以反映本协议日期后的事件或情况,或反映意外事件的发生。为方便起见,我们提供了网站的参考和链接,这些网站上的信息未通过引用纳入本新闻稿。Foresight不对第三方网站的内容负责。 投资者关系联系人: Michal Efraty CEO HK Ventures About Foresight Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX) is a technology company developing smart multi-spectral vision software solutions and cellular-based applications. Through the Company’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Foresight Automotive Ltd., Foresight Changzhou Automotive Ltd. and Eye-Net Mobile Ltd., Foresight develops both “in-line-of-sight” vision systems and “beyond-line-of-sight” accident-prevention solutions. Foresight’s vision solutions include modules of automatic calibration and dense three-dimensional (3D) point cloud that can be applied to different markets such as automotive, defense, autonomous vehicles and heavy industrial equipment. Eye-Net Mobile’s cellular-based solution suite provides real-time pre-collision alerts to enhance road safety and situational awareness for all road users in the urban mobility environment by incorporating cutting-edge AI technology and advanced analytics. For more information about Foresight and its wholly owned subsidiary, Foresight Automotive, visit, follow @ForesightAuto1 on Twitter, or join Foresight Automotive on LinkedIn. Contact Details Investor Relations Contact: Miri Segal-Scharia, CEO, MS-IR LLC +1 917-607-8654 Company Website

February 08, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

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IQST – iQSTEL Previews New EV Motorcycle 550 Elite


McapMediaWire -- iQSTEL, Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) today announced its new EV Motorcycle 550 Elite will soon be rolling off the production line. The new iQSTEL EV Motorcycle 550 Elite has a powerful 5KW motor built into a vintage-styled frame and is highway suitable, able to maintain 70 MPH (110 KPH), dependable for commuting to work, or for just having fun. iQSTEL plans to present the EV Motorcycle 550 Elite to market later this month The EV Motorcycle 550 Elite comes from iQSTEL’s experience with its earlier EV Motorcycles, adding many new tech and safety features. iQSTEL has established a new manufacturing partnership, forging a 3-year strategic purchase agreement that ensures product quality and includes tech support and knowledge transfer. About iQSTEL Inc.: iQSTEL Inc. (OTCQX: IQST) ( ) is a US-based publicly listed company holding an Independent Board of Directors and Audit Committee with a presence in 19 countries and 70 employees offering leading-edge services through its four business lines. The Telecom Division (, which represents the majority of current operations, offers VoIP, SMS, proprietary Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, and international fiber-optic connectivity through its subsidiaries: Etelix, SwissLink, Smartbiz, Whisl, IoT Labs, and QGlobal SMS. The Fintech business line ( ) ( ) offers a complete Fintech ecosystem MasterCard Debit Card, US Bank Account (No SSN Needed), Mobile App/Wallet (Remittances, Mobile Top Up). Our Fintech subsidiary, Global Money One, is to provide immigrants access to reliable financial services that make it easier to manage their money and stay connected with their families back home. The BlockChain Platform Business Line ( ) offers our proprietary Mobile Number Portability Application (MNPA) to serve the in-country portability needs through its subsidiary, itsBchain. The Electric Vehicle (EV) Business Line ( ) offers electric motorcycles to work and have fun in the USA, Spain, Portugal, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. EVOSS is also working on the development of an EV Mid Speed Car to serve the niche of the 2nd car in the family. Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other information relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our business based partly on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may and are likely to differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release, and iQSTEL Inc. undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. This press release does not constitute a public offer of any securities for sale. Any securities offered privately will not be or have not been registered under the Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from registration requirements. iQSTEL Inc. IR US Phone: 646-740-0907 IR Email: Contact Details iQSTEL Inc. +1 646-740-0907 Company Website

February 08, 2023 09:23 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Foresight Changzhou Wins Outstanding Enterprise Award from China Israel Changzhou Innovation Park

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ and TASE: FRSX) (“Foresight” or the “Company”), an innovator in automotive vision, announces today that its wholly owned subsidiary, Foresight Changzhou Automotive Ltd. (“Foresight Changzhou”) won the Outstanding Enterprise in International Cooperation award from China Israel Changzhou Innovation Park, Jiangsu Province (the “CICP”). Earlier last month, the CICP held the 2023 work mobilization conference. During the conference, and as a recognition of Foresight Changzhou's significant contribution to international cooperation, the CICP named it the "Outstanding Enterprise in International Cooperation." Foresight Changzhou was one of five companies to win this award, out of nearly 200 companies in the CICP. "We are honored to have been recognized by the CICP for our hard work and efforts. Over the last year, we have signed a commercial agreement with Sunway-AI and have engaged with several new potential customers. Last year also marked the 30 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel. As we speak, the negotiation of the China-Israeli Free Trade Agreement is under way. We are expecting its imminent conclusion, which will hopefully bring more opportunities to the automotive industry. Since COVID control measures have been relaxed and flights have been resuming in China, Foresight will continue to lead innovation cooperation between Israel and China and intends to expand activity in this region,” said Oren Bar-On, CEO of Foresight Changzhou. Foresight registered in the CICP at the end of 2021 and signed a commercial contract of up to $51 million with Sunway-AI in November 2022, enhancing its support in the open innovation and high-quality development of the CICP and Changzhou City. About China Israel Changzhou Innovation Park The China Israel Changzhou Innovation Park is the first innovation demonstration park signed by the Chinese and Israeli governments. Established in 2015, the CICP was jointly unveiled by Liu Yandong, then Vice Premier of the State Council, and Avigdor Lieberman, then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel. It was recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission of China as "the key area of China-Israeli high-tech industrial cooperation." The CICP has gathered a large number of Israeli-owned and Sino-Israeli cooperative enterprises, promoted the Sino-Israeli cooperation projects in many fields, and built a number of innovation platforms such as Israel Jiangsu Center. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, Foresight is using forward-looking statements in this press release when it discusses the potential for more opportunities in China and that it intends to lead innovation cooperation between Israel and China and expand activity in this region. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on Foresight’s current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and actual results, performance or achievements of Foresight could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this press release are subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Foresight's annual report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on March 31, 2022, and in any subsequent filings with the SEC. Except as otherwise required by law, Foresight undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. Foresight is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites. About Foresight Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX) is a technology company developing smart multi-spectral vision software solutions and cellular-based applications. Through the Company’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Foresight Automotive Ltd., Foresight Changzhou Automotive Ltd. and Eye-Net Mobile Ltd., Foresight develops both “in-line-of-sight” vision systems and “beyond-line-of-sight” accident-prevention solutions. Foresight’s vision solutions include modules of automatic calibration and dense three-dimensional (3D) point cloud that can be applied to different markets such as automotive, defense, autonomous vehicles and heavy industrial equipment. Eye-Net Mobile’s cellular-based solution suite provides real-time pre-collision alerts to enhance road safety and situational awareness for all road users in the urban mobility environment by incorporating cutting-edge AI technology and advanced analytics. For more information about Foresight and its wholly owned subsidiary, Foresight Automotive, visit, follow @ForesightAuto1 on Twitter, or join Foresight Automotive on LinkedIn. Contact Details Investor Relations Contact: Miri Segal-Scharia, CEO, MS-IR LLC +1 917-607-8654 Company Website

February 08, 2023 08:30 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Foresight: Rail Vision Signs an Agreement with Israel Railways to Purchase Ten AI-Driven Main Line Systems for $1.4M

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX), an innovator in automotive vision systems, announced today that its affiliate, Rail Vision Ltd. (“Rail Vision”), signed an agreement with Israel Railways Ltd., Israel’s state-owned principal railway company, to purchase 10 Rail Vision Main Line Systems and related services for $1.4 million. Rail Vision’s Main Line System is a cutting-edge, artificial intelligence (AI) based, industry-leading technology for detection and identification of objects and obstacles near, between, or on the railway. Foresight owns 15.39% of Rail Vision’s outstanding share capital. “After more than a year of evaluating a variety of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), Israel Railways chose Rail Vision’s Main Line System as the solution for its fleet, marking the first major commercial deployment of AI-based vision technology for main line rail industry operations,” commented Rail Vision CEO Shahar Hania. “Our Main Line System outperformed in all aspects of testing during the proof-of-concept program with Israel Railways. We believe this is a strong validation of our solution and bodes extremely well for other pilot programs underway, such as our long-term pilot in Australia with Rio Tinto, a leading global mining group, as well as other opportunities around the globe.” “Using advanced, long-range AI detection systems, our game-changing technology provides unparalleled obstacle detection on and near tracks, making it an ideal solution for major rail operators like Israel Railways and a key driver behind strategic partnerships, such as our relationship with Knorr-Bremse, the global leader in braking systems for the rail industry that has invested $24 million into Rail Vision since our inception,” continued Hania. Israel Railways operates approximately 700 trains daily, traveling along 1,138 kilometers of track, connecting major metropolitan areas in Israel, as well as cities, towns, and rural villages throughout the country. “We currently have a few main line and switch yard pilot programs underway globally,” continued Hania. “The conversion of pilot programs into commercial contracts is expected to accelerate and drive sales growth momentum in the quarters ahead.” About Rail Vision’s AI-based Main Line System Rail Vision’s Main Line System is an AI-driven obstacle detection technology designed to revolutionize train safety. With its extended visual range of up to 1.2mi / 2km, Rail Vision's Main Line System combines sensitive imaging sensors with AI and deep learning technologies to detect and classify obstacles on and near the tracks, such as humans, animals, vehicles, signals, and infrastructure components, quickly and accurately. The system then generates real-time visual and acoustic alerts for the train's command-and-control center, helping to prevent collisions, reduce downtime and delays, increase safety, and improve traffic volume. Rail Vision’s advanced image processing capabilities also allow for image-based navigation, predictive maintenance, and GIS mapping. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, Foresight is using forward-looking statements in this press release when it discusses its belief that Rail Vision’s AI-based obstacle detection technology is ushering in a new era of train safety, its belief that the agreement with Israel Railways is a strong validation of its solution and bodes extremely well for other pilot programs underway, as well as other opportunities around the globe, and that it expects an acceleration of pilot programs into commercial contracts, which is expected to drive sales growth momentum in the quarters ahead. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on Foresight’s current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties, and actual results, performance or achievements of Foresight could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this press release are subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Foresight's annual report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on March 31, 2022, and in any subsequent filings with the SEC. Except as otherwise required by law, Foresight undertakes no obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. Foresight is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites. About Foresight Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX) is a technology company developing smart multi-spectral vision software solutions and cellular-based applications. Through the Company’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Foresight Automotive Ltd., Foresight Changzhou Automotive Ltd. and Eye-Net Mobile Ltd., Foresight develops both “in-line-of-sight” vision systems and “beyond-line-of-sight” accident-prevention solutions. Foresight’s vision solutions include modules of automatic calibration and dense three-dimensional (3D) point cloud that can be applied to different markets such as automotive, defense, autonomous vehicles and heavy industrial equipment. Eye-Net Mobile’s cellular-based solution suite provides real-time pre-collision alerts to enhance road safety and situational awareness for all road users in the urban mobility environment by incorporating cutting-edge AI technology and advanced analytics. For more information about Foresight and its wholly owned subsidiary, Foresight Automotive, visit, follow @ForesightAuto1 on Twitter, or join Foresight Automotive on LinkedIn. Contact Details Investor Relations Contact: Miri Segal-Scharia, CEO, MS-IR LLC +1 917-607-8654 Company Website

February 07, 2023 08:10 AM Eastern Standard Time

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ESG Stocks Poised To Pop in 2023 (VKIN, ABB, EADSY, NIO)

CapitalGainsReport - Market & Financial News Commentary

Investing in smaller ESG (environmental, social, and governance) stocks can bring a number of benefits to investors. These companies often focus on sustainability and social responsibility, which can lead to strong relationships with stakeholders and a positive reputation. Additionally, smaller ESG stocks are often less established and may have more room for growth, providing investors with the potential for higher returns. ESG factors can also be extremely important in risk management and ensuring the company's long-term stability, which results in a more resilient investment portfolio. According to Dow Jones' survey of 200 financial leaders, ESG investments are projected to more than double in the next three years, accounting for 15% of all investments by 2025. ESG is here for the long run. By considering smaller ESG stocks, investors can align their values and financial goals while potentially reaping the benefits of a more responsible and sustainable investment strategy. Here are four ESG stocks to put on your watchlist for 2023. Viking Energy Group Inc. (OTC: VKIN) is an ESG, growth-oriented, diversified energy company. Viking provides customized energy and power solutions to commercial and industrial clients in North America and holds interests in oil and natural gas assets in the United States through a number of subsidiaries in which it holds a majority stake. Technologies that fall under the VKIN umbrella range from carbon capture to green biodiesel production. Viking Energy also has the licensing rights to the technology of ESG Clean Energy LLC for Canada and 25 other markets in the United States. Last year, VKIN secured a US Patent (No. 11,286,832) relating to the IP and other rights licensed by VKIN from ESG involving a Bottoming Cycle Power System related to its carbon capture technology. The patent covers the invention of an ‘exhaust-gas-to-exhaust-gas-heat exchanger.’ Furthermore, the company owns a majority stake in entities with intellectual property rights to a fully developed, ready-for-market proprietary Medical & Biohazard Waste Treatment System based on Ozone Technology, as well as an Open Conductor Detection System for power grid use. VKIN recently announced an update regarding its medical waste treatment technology. The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted U.S. Utility Patent No. 11,565,289 to Viking Ozone Technology, LLC, the company's majority-owned subsidiary. The patent is titled "Multi-Chamber Medical Waste Ozone-Based Treatment Systems and Methods." VKIN states that a related international application is in the works, and in the near future, a few nations will be chosen for national phase coverage. The company believes that the approval of this US patent application will result in the issuance of additional related patents in other countries. This utility patent relates to Viking Ozone's proprietary methods and devices utilizing ozone-based treatments for biohazardous waste. Viking expects to use this technology in waste treatment and disposal systems, such as those used in hospitals, prisons, laboratories, military bases, and care facilities. According to the World Health Organization, managing medical waste requires greater diligence and care in order to avoid negative health effects. As the demand for medical waste grows, it is critical to prioritize waste treatment and disposal options that are both safe and environmentally responsible. VKIN is leading the market with their revolutionary patent and should be at the top of any savvy investor's watchlist for ESG stocks in 2023. ABB Ltd. (NYSE: ABB) is a technology leader in electrification and automation, focusing on a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. The company’s solutions connect engineering know-how and software to optimize the way things are manufactured, moved, powered, and operated. ABB announced a fourth-quarter profit of $1.13 billion on Thursday of last week. The Zurich-based business reported 60 cents in earnings per share, beating Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of the four analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 39 cents per share. The industrial automation company outperformed Wall Street expectations with revenue of $7.82 billion during the quarter, whereas the three analysts surveyed by Zacks expected a revenue of $7.58 billion. For the year, the company reported profits of $2.48 billion, or $1.30 per share. Revenue was reported at $29.45 billion. ABB shares have increased by 16% since the beginning of the year. ABB is well-positioned to benefit from growing demand for industrial automation and robotics, while margins are expected to expand as a result of the company’s restructuring. Airbus SE (OTC: EADSY) gains from the theme of "air taxis," which are highly automated aircraft designed to cover short distances of less than 250 kilometers, or around 150 miles. Deloitte Insights estimates that the market for so-called electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles in the United States could top $17.7 billion by 2040 and reach $3.4 billion by 2025. CityAirbus NextGen is a brand-new flying cab that Airbus unveiled in 2021. By 2035, the company hopes to have the first commercial aircraft with zero emissions. On February 3, EADSY announced they had won a federal contract award for $198,256 from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, for aircraft parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing. This just represents one win for the company lately, putting them in the right place to have a solid 2023. Nio Inc. (NYSE: NIO) is a pioneer and a leading company in the premium smart electric vehicle market. NIO was founded in November 2014 with the mission to shape a joyful lifestyle around electric vehicles. NIO aims to build a community starting with smart electric vehicles to share joy and grow together with users. NIO designs, develops, jointly manufactures, and sells premium smart electric vehicles, driving innovations in next-generation technologies in autonomous driving, digital technologies, electric powertrains, and batteries. NIO differentiates itself through its continuous technological breakthroughs and innovations, such as its industry-leading battery swapping technologies Battery as a Service, or BaaS, as well as its proprietary autonomous driving technologies and Autonomous Driving as a Service, or ADaaS. NIO's product portfolio consists of the ES8, a six-seat smart electric flagship SUV, the ES7 (or the EL7), a mid-large five-seat smart electric SUV, the ES6, a five-seat all-round smart electric SUV, the EC7, a five-seat smart electric flagship coupe SUV, the EC6, a five-seat smart electric coupe SUV, the ET7, a smart electric flagship sedan, and the ET5, a mid-size smart electric sedan. Last week, the company offered an update on its January 2023 delivery results. NIO delivered 8,506 vehicles in January 2023. The deliveries consisted of 2,190 premium smart electric SUVs and 6,316 premium smart electric sedans. Cumulative deliveries of NIO vehicles reached 298.062 as of January 31, 2023. From January 13, 2023, to January 31, 2023, the peak travel season around the Chinese New Year Holiday, NIO provided over 1 million power swaps to its users, among which over 300,000 swaps were completed at the NIO power swap stations along the highways and over 11,000 swaps were flexible battery upgrades to enhance the long-distance travel experience. On January 18, 2023, NIO was recognized in Corporate Knights Global 100 and ranked first among car brands on the world's most sustainable companies list. NIO attaches great importance to low-carbon development, environmental protection, and joint ecosystem building and is committed to promoting full-lifecycle carbon footprint management, energy conservation, and emission reduction. With the vision of Blue Sky Coming, NIO will continue to improve its ESG performance and support global sustainable development. Disclaimers: This article contains sponsored content. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides investors a safe harbor with regard to forward-looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, assumptions, objectives, goals, and assumptions about future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates, and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through use of words such as projects, foresee, expects, will, anticipates, estimates, believes, understands, or that by statements, indicating certain actions & quotes; may, could or might occur Understand there is no guarantee past performance is indicative of future results. Investing in micro-cap or growth securities is highly speculative and carries an extremely high degree of risk. It is possible that an investor's investment may be lost or due to the speculative nature of the companies profiled. CaptalGainsReport 'CGR' (owned by RazorPitch Inc.) is responsible for the production and distribution of this content. CGR is not operated by a licensed broker, a dealer, or a registered investment advisor. It should be expressly understood that under no circumstances does any information published herein represent a recommendation to buy or sell a security. CGR authors, contributors, or its agents, may be compensated for preparing research, video graphics, and editorial content. CGR has been compensated by Regal Consulting to produce and syndicate this content for VKIN. As part of that content, readers, subscribers, and webs are expected to read the full disclaimers and financial disclosure statement that can be found on our website. CapitalGainsReport is a financial website and newsletter for investors seeking nanocap and microcap opportunities. Please join our free newsletter at Contact Details CapitalGainsReport Mark McKelvie +1 585-301-7700 Company Website

February 07, 2023 05:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Trusted Sellers Lead Platform’s Early Success in the $500 Billion US Automotive Parts Industry

Auto Parts 4Less Group Inc

McapMediaWire -- Auto Parts 4Less Group, Inc. (OTCQB: FLES ) (“Company”, “FLES”), proudly announces that, their leading multi-seller marketplace of automotive parts in the US, has set a GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) sales record for the month of January 2023, surpassing the total of all GMV sales in the previous months combined since going live with beta testing in September of 2022. This achievement is a testament to the strength of the Company’s multi-seller marketplace and the trust customers have in the number and quality of its sellers. With a best-in-class marketplace platform, AutoParts4Less offers customers a diverse range of high-quality automotive parts from a quickly growing variety of trusted sellers. The platform’s commitment to providing a seamless shopping experience and supporting its sellers has been a key factor in its success and growth to date. “The early success of is a direct result of the strength of our seller base,” said Christopher Davenport Founder and President of Auto Parts 4Less, Inc., the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary of the company. Davenport commented: “We're proud to have created a platform that buyers trust to provide them with a wide selection of quality automotive parts from leading sellers.” With the first mover advantage in the $500 billion US automotive parts industry, which includes parts for boats, motorcycles, powersports, and RVs, and their focus on supporting its sellers, their parts marketplace,, is well positioned for continued growth and success. “The Company is committed to providing the best possible shopping experience for our customers and to supporting our sellers in growing their businesses” continued Davenport. About Auto Parts 4LessGroup, Inc. Auto Parts 4LessGroup, Inc. (the “Company”) entered the online auto parts business in 2015 selling lift kits and other aftermarket accessories for Jeeps, Trucks, and SUV’s on eBay and Amazon. At the beginning of 2020 the company began the development of as a pure-play multi-seller enterprise-level marketplace entirely dedicated to aggregating the $500 billion annual aftermarket automotive parts industry including cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, and RVs on a single platform. was officially launched with approximately 2 million parts listed from over 25 parts sellers in November 2022. To learn more about Auto Parts 4Less Group, Inc., please visit Safe Harbor & Disclaimer This information also contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are identified by the use of the words “could”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “estimate”, “expect”, “may”, “continue”, “predict”, “potential”, “possible,” “project” and similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this presentation. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that our plans, objectives, expectations and intentions reflected in or suggested by the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that these plans, objectives, expectations or intentions will be achieved. Forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties (some of which are beyond our control) and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from historical experience and present expectations or projections. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements and the trading price for our common stock may fluctuate significantly. Forward-looking statements also are affected by the risk factors described in the Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Industry data provided herein is of no predictive value regarding the Company’s future sales. No information in this press release should be construed as any indication whatsoever of the Company’s future financial results, revenues, or stock price. For more information, contact: Email: Contact Details Auto Parts 4LessGroup, Inc. Tim Armes

February 06, 2023 10:54 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Freightify secures $12M funding round to power digital transformation for freight forwarders globally


Global freight forwarding is a $300B industry that facilitates the movement of cargo from one place to another through a series of manual and legacy processes. Freightify’s freight rate management platform is solving the complex challenges facing freight forwarders and helping them to do more business faster at lower costs. Today, Freightify is announcing a $12M debt & equity Series A funding round to help power digital transformation of Freight forwarders through Freightify’s suite of products. Freightify empowers freight forwarders by providing rate automation solutions to digitize their rate procurement, rate management and quotation processes with ease. The platform allows any forwarder to create a digital storefront to serve their customers better.In addition to this, it includes track and trace solutions that help freight forwarders in getting the live location of vessels and automated milestones within seconds. Freightify’s platform allows freight forwarders to procure, manage and quote freight prices (including all possible ancillary charges) in less than 2 minutes. Freightify’s new funding round will help launch new functionalities and deliver on a strong and expanded product roadmap, expand the sales presence globally, build channel partnerships, strengthen their marketing to drive growth and increase their brand awareness globally as they expand into new geographies and segments. The round was led by Sequoia Capital India with participation from TMV and Alteria Capital. The round also includes returning investors Nordic Eye Venture Capital and Motion Ventures. Founded in 2016 and based in Singapore, Freightify initially started as a marketplace for freight forwarders to conveniently search, book and track freight. This experience in automating sea-freight paved the way to a SaaS pivot. Today, Freightify’s platform, with rate management and quoting capabilities, is able to empower freight forwarders to procure, manage and quote freight prices (including all possible ancillary charges) in less than 2 minutes. Over 200 freight forwarding companies providing global logistics services (across 45 countries) use Freightify to digitize their business. These customers have reported reducing processing time by more than 70% and a substantial cost saving in doing business. Some customers deploy a Freightify white-label platform and have reported an increase in win ratio by more than 20% and a very noticeable increase in retained business. This success has seen revenues at Freightigy triple in the last year as they have attracted large numbers of the top 100 freight forwarders around the world. The founder and CEO, Raghavendran Viswanathan has deep experience working in logistics, supply chain and freight management with companies including DHL and Panalpina. The company’s management and senior staff come from backgrounds including SaaS startups like Freshworks and GoFrugal, logistics tech startups like Fourkites and Trimble, shipping lines like Maersk and MSC, Large forwarders and logistics companies like CON-LINQ ApS, Dachser Denmark and Wiz as well as Big 4 consulting firms like BCG. Raghavendran Viswanathan, CEO of Freightify, commented “For too long, freight forwarders have been restricted to spreadsheets and legacy processes to do business. We set up Freightify to remove the heavy lifting of manually providing quotations, accepting email/telephonic bookings, managing documentation, coordinating and tracking shipments. Freightify solves these challenges by giving them and their customers a live pricing platform like the ones used by travelers to compare airfares, showing real-time rates on a single screen. Freight forwarders are like the travel agents for global trade, however, air travel is not as complicated as global trade. Supply chains require experts to manage cargo throughout the entire lifecycle and freight forwarders play a vital role in greasing the wheels.” He also added, “Freight forwarders using Freightify save more than 70% of the time spent on manual tasks and legacy processes, while halving the operational costs to do business”. The freight forwarding industry is a cornerstone of the global trade economy and despite the massive size, much of the industry remains constrained by manual processes and runs on paper, excel sheets and phone calls. Freightify, a vertical SaaS platform, is solving this problem by helping freight forwarders automate rate management and make every day operational workflows fast and efficient so that they can focus on serving their customers and growing their business. We are glad to be a part of this journey with Raghav and the team at Freightify. ” said Mayank Porwal, VP, Sequoia India Existing investor at Freightify, Nordic Eye’s Investment Partner and Manager, Ib Drachmann added: “We have been impressed by the common vision of the company to democratize technology for the freight forwarding ecosystem. We are happy to see the scale at which Freightify has been growing, adding new logos globally and strengthening their product capabilities. Hence, we are doubling down on backing Freightify.” Raghavendran Viswanathan added: “Various marketplaces around the world are attempting to become the Amazon of services for freight forwarders, which will help. We believe in empowering the freight forwarders and are taking the Shopify route by selling a SaaS product to enable them to manage and create their own communities” Looking ahead, Raghavendran Viswanathan added: “We have been expanding rapidly across Europe, Australia and key regions in Asia pacific, and are currently expanding in North America. We have a highly skilled product and engineering team that can deliver on a strong product roadmap. Sales people on the field with deep experience in the freight industry. We are building out a strong marketing function that can drive growth.” About Freightify Freightify was established in 2016 with the vision to enable digital transformation of freight forwarders of any size. We empower freight forwarders by providing white labeled rate automation solutions to digitize their rate procurement, rate management and quotation processes with ease. In addition to this, we also provide track and trace solutions that help freight forwarders in getting the live location of vessels and automated milestones within seconds.‍ At Freightify, we have a strong and supportive team of 200+ logistics professionals from Europe, the USA, and India who come to work every day to solve complex problems of the trillion-dollar logistics Industry using technology. At Freightify, we empower freight forwarders to go digital by providing plug-and-play technologies and services for the entire logistics value chain. About Sequoia Capital India Sequoia helps daring founders build legendary companies, from idea to IPO to beyond. Sequoia Capital India and Sequoia Capital Southeast Asia actively partner with founders from a wide range of companies, across categories, including BYJUs, CRED, Druva, Five Star Finance, Freshworks, GoTo, Groww, Kopi Kenangan, Mamaearth, Pine Labs, Polygon, Razorpay, Truecaller, Zomato and more. We spur founders to push the boundaries of what's possible. In partnering with Sequoia, startups benefit from over 50 years of tribal knowledge and lessons learned working with companies like Airbnb, Alibaba, Apple, Dropbox, Google, LinkedIn and Stripe early on. From the beginning universities, endowments, and other non-profits have been the backbone of our investor base which means founders' accomplishments make a meaningful difference. For more information on Sequoia's work in India visit Contact Details Freightify Murali Sankar +1 872-259-3504 Company Website

February 02, 2023 07:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

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Foresight to Participate at A.G.P.’s Virtual Emerging Growth Technology Conference

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd.

Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX), an innovator in automotive vision systems, today announced that the Company will participate virtually at A.G.P.’s Virtual Emerging Growth Technology Conference on February 16, 2023. The virtual conference will include one-on-one meetings with Eli Yoresh, Foresight’s Chief Financial Officer and Doron Cohadier, Foresight’s Vice President of Business Development. To schedule a meeting, contact your A.G.P. representative or Miri Segal at For more information, please visit Foresight’s Investor Relations page here. About Foresight Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd. (Nasdaq and TASE: FRSX) is a technology company developing smart multi-spectral vision software solutions and cellular-based applications. Through the Company’s wholly owned subsidiaries, Foresight Automotive Ltd., Foresight Changzhou Automotive Ltd. and Eye-Net Mobile Ltd., Foresight develops both “in-line-of-sight” vision systems and “beyond-line-of-sight” accident-prevention solutions. Foresight’s vision solutions include modules of automatic calibration and dense three-dimensional (3D) point cloud that can be applied to different markets such as automotive, defense, autonomous vehicles and heavy industrial equipment. Eye-Net Mobile’s cellular-based solution suite provides real-time pre-collision alerts to enhance road safety and situational awareness for all road users in the urban mobility environment by incorporating cutting-edge AI technology and advanced analytics. For more information about Foresight and its wholly owned subsidiary, Foresight Automotive, visit, follow @ForesightAuto1 on Twitter, or join Foresight Automotive on LinkedIn. Contact Details Miri Segal-Scharia, CEO, MS-IR LLC +1 917-607-8654 Company Website

February 01, 2023 08:40 AM Eastern Standard Time

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