Powering Through a Sore Throat: Understanding the Symptoms and Seeking Relief
From a first date to a big audition, to an important presentation, having a sore throat can easily put a damper on important moments and your everyday life. Recently, Family Medicine Physician, Dr. Jennifer Caudle, teamed with Mucinex and YourUpdateTV on a satellite media tour to discuss how to relieve sore throat symptoms. With another cold and flu season upon us, we know the impact of symptoms like cough, body aches, fever and more can really impede on our everyday lives. Recent findings show that sore throat pain is one of the top three most debilitating symptoms alongside fever and migraine. To better understand the impact sore throat pain has on people’s lives, Mucinex surveyed 2,005 U.S. adults in partnership with One Poll* about their experiences coping with it. Despite this, 55% of people are most likely to “power through” a sore throat—meaning they would continue working, going to school, running errands, completing housework, etc. while dealing with difficult sore throat pain. While cold and flu season can be so unpredictable each year, there are many over-the-counter medications that can be of help in relieving those unpleasant symptoms. For instance, Mucinex recently introduced Mucinex InstaSoothe, a new product line of lozenges and sprays designed to numb, soothe and relieve that sore throat pain. The lozenges contain ingredients like Hexylresorcinol (also known as Hex), a local anesthetic for topical use on the mucous membranes, which helps to deliver that ‘numbing’ effect to throat and mouth, providing that much needed relief. The holiday season adds more to-dos and pressure, causing us to set high expectations and race to accomplish tasks. According to Dr. Caudle, if your energy is low, simply rest and take the time you need to focus on important tasks. Keep those vitamins handy and be sure to fuel your body with the right nutrients to help maintain a healthy immune system. Finally, for those of you back at work or school, be sure to bundle up in the colder weather, wear a mask, wash your hands and remember to continue social distancing. People must use over-the-counter products as directed. If your symptoms persist, you should contact your healthcare professional and get checked out if deemed necessary. For more information on how to power through this cold and & flu season, visit Mucinex.com. About Dr. Jennifer Caudle: Dr. Jen Caudle is a board-certified family medicine physician and associate professor in the department of Family Medicine at Rowan University-School of Osteopathic Medicine. She appears regularly as an on-air health expert for local and national news outlets, including ‘The TODAY Show’, CNN, FOX News, PBS, Fox 29 Philadelphia News, and many others. Dr. Jen’s health articles have been published in The Daily Beast, CNN.com, and ABCNews.com, among others. Dr. Jen graduated with honors from Princeton University and earned her medical degree from UMDNJ – School of Osteopathic Medicine. About the Survey*: This random double-opt-in survey of 2,005 Americans was commissioned by Mucinex between August 26 and August 30, 2021. It was conducted by market research company OnePoll, whose team members are members of the Market Research Society and have corporate membership to the American Association for Public Opinion Research ( AAPOR ) and the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research ( ESOMAR ). About YourUpdateTV: YourUpdateTV is a social media video portal for organizations to share their content. It includes separate channels for Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Media and Entertainment, Money and Finance, Social Responsibility, Sports and Technology. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
November 09, 2021 05:00 PM Eastern Standard Time