Pet Insurance and the Pandemic
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/9KdDYhsia2A Amid the pandemic last year, more than 2 million dogs and cats were adopted from shelters. Now, as employees across the U.S. anticipate a potential return to in-person work, pet parents have some concerns about how the transition may impact both their animals’ and their own well-being. In fact, MetLife’s new Pet Parent Pulse Survey found that three in four (74 percent) working pet parents are considering how pet care during this time may impact their finances, while nearly all (95 percent) anticipate that a possible transition back to the office will cause a change in their pet’s health or routine. If you are a working pet parent, what do you need to know and prepare for during this time? “It may be as simple as making some changes at home, like introducing a crate or a gate to keep your pet safe and healthy. Alternatively, maybe pet care or ‘doggy daycare’ services make sense for you,” said Katie Blakeley, vice president and head of pet insurance, MetLife. “Many pet parents are also leaning on their employers to help them navigate the return to office and how it may effect their furry family members. For example, introducing pet health insurance into a voluntary benefit plan is becoming a popular option for many working pet parents.” For more information visit: metlife.com/insurance/pet-insurance About MetLife: MetLife, Inc. (NYSE: MET), through its subsidiaries and affiliates ("MetLife"), is one of the world's leading financial services companies, providing insurance, annuities, employee benefits and asset management to help its individual and institutional customers navigate their changing world. Founded in 1868, MetLife has operations in more than 40 countries and holds leading market positions in the United States, Japan, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, visit www.metlife.com. YourUpdateTV: YourUpdateTV is a social media video portal for organizations to share their content. It includes separate channels for Health and Wellness, Lifestyle, Media and Entertainment, Money and Finance, Social Responsibility, Sports and Technology. Contact Details YourUpdateTV +1 212-736-2727 yourupdatetv@gmail.com
September 01, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time