A world first: SmartFrame and Adobe-led CAI work in collaboration to validate image provenance and protect images from misuse online

London, UK
December 02, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
SmartFrame Technologies, the first-to-market image-streaming technology provider, today announced the world’s first test of end-to-end image authentication and protection in collaboration with the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI).
It’s estimated that over 2.5 billion images are either stolen or have their copyright infringed every day, which robs content creators of their livelihood and empowers those intent on spreading fake news and misinformation on social media platforms and elsewhere online. With trillions of digital photographs readily available online, no meaningful protection, and the proliferation of easy-to-use editing software, image theft, manipulation, and misrepresentation has become a very real threat to our society.
That’s why SmartFrame has been working with the Adobe-led CAI to create a solution that combines robust image protection with provenance authentication, fit for a digital world that has become like the Wild West when it comes to image theft and misuse.
Putting the technologies to the test
The CAI is showcasing what the eventual future of trusted image capture for consumers will look like through use of a prototype device. This device uses Truepic’s groundbreaking native integration of hardware-secured photo capture, powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 865 5G Mobile Platform.
The device was given to renowned photographer David Yarrow, who shot to fame with his iconic image of soccer player Diego Maradona holding aloft the World Cup in 1986, to test out the enhanced end-to-end image authentication and protection systems resulting from the collaboration between SmartFrame Technologies and the CAI.
“The shoot was in Dinokeng Game Reserve with Kevin Richardson, who’s known as the lion whisperer,” says Cameron Yarrow, who was part of the production team on the shoot. The aim was to create a powerful portrait of a lion’s face. However, wild animals don’t always pose for photographs, so having Kevin on hand was key.
By selecting ‘Secure Mode’ on the CAI-enabled device, the team could easily attach essential data to the image at the point of capture, proving the image’s origin. It’s also possible to add further details to this through the CAI function found within image-editing software, recording edits made in post-production.
Such seamless integration meant the process of creating the image was exactly the same as what the team was already used to. The difference became apparent when publishing the image as a SmartFrame, as demonstrated in the link below.
With a simple tap of the info icon in the top-left-hand corner of the SmartFrame, it’s possible to view the image’s attribution and history data, with the option of viewing further details on a dedicated verification page.
The CAI data function combines seamlessly with SmartFrame’s interactive image-streaming interface. This new way to display images online supports high-quality images up to 100MP in resolution, and uses a wide range of immersive functions to present them in all their glory. These include a full-screen viewing mode, together with the ability to zoom in to explore the finest details, all without affecting page-loading times.
More importantly, however, SmartFrames provide advanced security against image theft. Dragging and dropping is made impossible, while right-clicks and screenshots are met with image-obscuring copyright warnings. Furthermore, built-in captions ensure permanent attribution.
This not only helps to prevent image piracy, but also raises awareness of copyright restrictions. Through the use of deterrent messages, users are reminded that the image they are viewing is subject to copyright and are instead encouraged to share it legally using the Embed and Share functions.
By sharing images in this way, they will carry all the enhanced viewing and security features, together with permanent attribution and CAI provenance data outlined above, wherever they are embedded. This means publishers can benefit from increased engagement and dwell times, image owners can monitor and control their valuable assets, and users can enjoy an extra level of protection against disinformation, leading to a higher level of trust.
This pioneering collaboration is taking sure steps towards a safer online environment.
Rob Sewell, CEO of SmartFrame Technologies, comments: “This marks the beginning of a new era in image publishing, where users have greater transparency and photographers can once again ensure their art is being used in the way it was intended. By working together, we can create a digital world where it’s okay to believe what you see.’’
Read more about the test and see the first ever CAI-enabled SmartFrame here
SmartFrame applications outside of image protection:
SmartFrame offers numerous additional benefits, such as its in-image contextual and cookie-less advertising system. Content owners can capitalise on the interest in their images and get paid when these are viewed, while publishers can embed images on their sites and gain a share of the revenues from the display of these ads. Advertisers, meanwhile, can reach new and relevant audiences, with ads that are contextually targeted to the image content, webpage and location of the viewer, all within a highly viewable premium ad unit placement.
Founded in 2015, SmartFrame Technologies is a London-based software provider with an aim to redefine the digital image standard. Its SmartFrame platform allows content owners and brands to protect their assets and present them in the best possible way, while also allowing publishers to source and embed high-quality images, and for everyone involved to generate new revenue streams by way of in-image advertising.
About Adobe
Adobe is the global leader in digital media and digital marketing solutions. Our creative, marketing and document solutions empower everyone – from emerging artists to global brands – to bring digital creations to life and deliver immersive, compelling experiences to the right person at the right moment for the best results. In short, Adobe is everywhere, and we’re changing the world through digital experiences.
About the CAI
The Content Authenticity Initiative is a group working together to fight misinformation and add a layer of verifiable trust to all types of digital content, starting with photo and video, through provenance and attribution solutions. We’re creating a secure end-to-end system for digital content provenance through open-source development, cross-industry collaboration, and interoperability of tools.
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Contact Details
SmartFrame Technologies
Jill Kent
+44 7760 470309