ECO BOOST: SPRING INTO ACTION FOR EARTH DAY Wellness Lifestyle Contributor, Terra Wellington, partners with Airly Foods and Travelodge by Wyndham to offer a few easy ways to help keep our planet healthy and happy for Earth Day.

New York, NY
April 20, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
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Earth Day was created back in 1970 to increase awareness and appreciation for the planet’s natural environment. Over the past four decades this holiday has grown tremendously, and today over a billion people are expected to take part in some sort of celebratory activity.
The theme for this year’s Earth Day on April 22nd is Investing In Our Planet—everybody doing their part, including governments, industry, and individuals. Author of the Mom’s Guide to Growing Your Family Green, Terra Wellington, says many of our daily activities can either help or hurt the planet, adding, “There are a few easy things every individual can do to help keep the Earth healthy and happy.”
One easy way to support a greener world on the local level begins in your own garden. Wellington suggests planting more trees in your neighborhood and surrounding communities. This family-friendly activity not only teaches children about the environment, but each tree helps capture carbon dioxide, lower temperatures, and filter pollutants.
Wellington says if you’re traveling this summer, it’s a good idea to plan a trip to a national park. The National Park System encompasses 423 sites in the United States. They span across more than 84 million acres, with parks in each state and extending into the territories, including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. She adds that, “Being in nature helps you appreciate it and want to preserve it.”
The Wellness Lifestyle Contributor suggests finding the perfect place to serve as a basecamp for your next adventure, highlighting the more than 75 percent of Travelodge by Wyndham hotels that are located less than an hour’s drive from a national park. She points out that the brand is a longtime supporter of the National Parks Conservation Association and has an ongoing commitment to help preserve the nation’s parks, along with other sustainability initiatives.
As families plan their next adventure, Wellington suggests taking advantage of a great Earth Day deal Travelodge by Wyndham has this month offering 20 percent off two nights or more.
For more information, visit
Instagram: @Travelodge
About one third of greenhouse gas emissions come from the global food supply chain. Wellington says it’s important to consider making greener food choices in order to have a more positive impact on climate change.
One easy way to get started is by participating in Meatless Mondays. This initiative promotes adding more healthy plant-based foods into your family’s diet. Wellington likes the idea of reducing meat to help reduce greenhouse gases.
Along the same lines, Wellington says it’s also important to choose products that follow climate friendly techniques to grow their ingredients. One brand she points to is Airly Foods—the first-ever climate friendly snack that helps remove greenhouse gases from the air in every bite. After further review, Wellington discovered that this type of work is done through the brand’s innovative farming practices, including growing grains that remove greenhouse gases, electronic transportation, zero emissions baking, and negative carbon footprints for all of their ingredients.
Wellington loves looking at the back of each cracker box to see how much CO2 is removed from their air, while enjoying four tasty sweet and salty varieties—cheddar, sea salt, chocolate, and salted caramel that come in the shape of a cloud.
For more information, visit
Instagram: @airlyfoods
Facebook: @airlyfoods
Twitter: @airlyfoods
As Earth Day approaches, Wellington has a few other tips to participate in this year’s awareness day. She recommends investing in ceiling fans for the summer. They have been found to help reduce the use of electricity and air conditioning. Another Earth friendly tip is to use LED lightbulbs. They are now widely available and a great way to lessen energy usage. These bulbs can also last up to 25 times longer than other lightbulbs. She also recommends turning off lights and unplugging devices when they’re not in use.
As the summer months approach, the Wellness Lifestyle Contributor suggests biking more, saying, “The fewer cars on the road, the less carbon emissions polluting the air and contributing to global warming.” Wellington also points to reusable water bottles as a way to make greener practices a part of your daily living. Finally, she says, “Enjoy your local farmer’s market,” adding, “Besides supporting local agriculture, you’ll be purchasing seasonal food that often is transported shorter distances to get to your plate.”
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