Fuel Change with Your Choice at the Pump Save money and the environment by switching to renewable biofuels like ethanol.

New York, NY
December 30, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://youtu.be/pXGO1FwxjRw
After the busy holiday season, consumers are looking to pinch pennies and cut costs anywhere they can. America’s farmers and biofuel producers are working to remind U.S. drivers about one simple step they can take to save money—and cut carbon emissions.
Gasoline blended with plant-based ethanol costs less per gallon than gas sold without it, and the higher the percentage of ethanol, the greater the savings at the pump. Biofuel blends like E15—a 15% ethanol blend, also sold as Unleaded88—consistently sell on average up to 10 cents below the price of regular gasoline, with some areas seeing savings of up to $1 per gallon last summer.
Popular biofuel blends can also reduce carbon emissions by 46% compared to traditional gasoline. An across-the-board national move from Unleaded87 (E10) to Unleaded88 (E15) would save consumers $20.6 billion annually in fuel costs, while reducing carbon emissions by nearly 18 million tons—the equivalent of removing nearly 4 million cars off the road.
Unleaded88 is available across 31 states in the U.S. and is safe for use in all cars made in 2001 or after, representing more than 96 percent of all vehicles on the road today. Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy, conducted a nationwide media tour highlighting how you can save money and the environment by switching to renewable biofuels like ethanol and these important topics:
· What are biofuels
· How biofuels affect what drivers pay at the pump
· The positive environmental impacts of fueling up with low-carbon options such as ethanol
· How biofuels and biofuel blends affect our car engines
For more information, visit GETBIOFUEL.COM.
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