Golden Cricket announces its launch of a revolutionary new product - cricket protein bars

Austin, TX
January 11, 2023 11:00 AM Central Standard Time
Golden Cricket is a revolutionary new company in Austin, Texas that utilizes the most nutritious and sustainable source of protein on the market. They are locally owned and operated by two brothers with a passion for health and wellness. In eight short months, they have managed to acquire $150,000 in funding and are on track to raise much more. The secret ingredient is crickets - yes, the insect. Eli and Jake Halpern have turned powdered crickets into protein bars with currently one flavor - peanut butter chocolate banana, and are working on releasing a horchata cricket protein powder for smoothies.
Crickets are one of the most nutritious protein sources on the planet. They are 65% protein by weight, contain all 9 essential amino acids, more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach, and are high in calcium, magnesium, and zinc. They’re also packed with Vitamin B-12, Omega 3 & 6, are a natural prebiotic, and their fiber is more bioavailable than plants. Since 70% of the world is already lactose intolerant, switching over from whey only makes sense. The protein bars are sweetened by dates which also have a high potassium content that slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, as to not cause insulin spikes.
Crickets are the most sustainable source of protein. They use 2000x less water to produce than dairy or meat, and use even less water to produce than plant protein. They are incredibly efficient, as they can be farmed vertically, using a fraction of the space as traditional farming. Crickets only have a lifespan of 6 weeks, indicating the rate at which they can be harvested, meaning there can be almost 9 harvests annually. For reference, most plants are only harvested once per year, and meat can’t be harvested until the cattle age about 5 years. Farmed crickets are also healthier than wild crickets because their diet is controlled. So not only do they save space and resources but also time - the most precious resource.
Eli remarks “From an ethical standpoint, it’s not that big of a deal to kill crickets. Most people don’t really likes crickets anyways.” Vegetarians and vegans have also begun switching over to Golden Cricket (even though crickets are technically an animal) because it actually causes less indirect death compared to agriculture, due to the lack of pesticides killing trillions of both insects and rodents. Additionally, crickets are all natural and can’t possibly be contaminated with pesticides, as it would kill them.

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Contact Details
Eli Halpern
CEO and Founder of Golden Cricket
+1 512-784-6507