Miller Proposes Major Increase in Texas State Guard Funding Daniel Miller for Texas Lt. Governor Campaign

Houston, Texas
February 28, 2022 06:28 PM Eastern Standard Time
On the eve of what could be a historic Texas primary election, candidate for Lt. Governor Daniel Miller is proposing tougher measures to protect the Texas border. The first plank of Miller’s “Stop the Invasion” border security plan is the complete militarizing of the Texas State Guard (TSG).
According to the office of Maj. Gen. Tracy Norris, Texas Adjutant General, the proposed funding for the TSG for biennium fiscal 2022-2023 as recommended by the Texas Senate is to be $211,972,936. This would be a reduction in military spending from the current biennium fiscal of $234,396,109 – a funding reduction of $22,423,173. Daniel Miller finds this to be a move in the wrong direction for the safety of Texans.
Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick have boasted of their funding for border security of $2 billion dollars – which is .008% of on-the-books Texas government spending. Such a paltry appropriation for border security clearly indicates that current Texas government has no intention of securing the border with Mexico, in spite of the tough rhetoric that is currently thrown into the messaging echo chamber.
A statement from Daniel Miller:
“The Bible teaches us that where you put your money is where your heart is. At these funding levels for our Texas military, it’s obvious that Mr. Abbott, Mr. Patrick, and the Texas Legislature do not possess the heart or desire to secure our international border with Mexico.
“That’s why today, on the eve of Texas Primary Election Day, and just two days from Texas Independence Day, I’m proposing exceeding the appropriated $2 billion dollars by Abbott and Patrick for border security with an appropriation of $4 billion dollars to our Texas State Guard within the next approved budget of the 2023 regular session. Those funds will be allocated toward the beginning stages of fully equipping our Texas State Guard for the mission of stopping the Texas border invasion.
“Just last week, our campaign manager had a lengthy conversation with a chaplain of the TSG. He told our CM, ‘It would be nice if we could just get body armor, and our appropriations on time’. Mr. Abbott, Mr. Patrick, and the Texas Legislature are neglecting and disrespecting our Texas men and women that wear our uniform, and misusing them in a time of crisis.”
The Texas State Guard is the sovereign military of Texas, which unlike the Texas National Guard, cannot be federalized. It is a volunteer force in which members are obligated to purchase their own uniforms. They are currently being used essentially as a Red Cross in camouflage that’s called into action for humanitarian missions. Miller believes they should be deployed to the Rio Grande with the primary role of defending the Texas international border from the current unceasing invasion of illegal citizens from other global nations.
Segments of the Texas State Guard are currently deployed to the border region in exclusively support roles at the rear of the struggle. After being properly equipped, Miller’s “Stop the Invasion” border security plan would reassign them frontline duties with aggressive rules of engagement.

Contact Details
Sharon Macasil