No Dogs Left Behind Now Sells Organic CBD Oils and Treats To Support Its Dog Meat Trade Survivors Rescued From Slaughterhouses, Dog Meat Trucks These dogs have suffered "extreme trauma and torture," new CBD products can help ease their pain and memory
No Dogs Left Behind, a global animal welfare organization, now sells organic CBD oils and treats specifically designed for your dog. NDLB is offering these new products through a strategic alliance with Pawse, a company founded by four best friends with backgrounds in agriculture, hemp farming, thoroughbred training, business and engineering. Pawse plants, grows, harvests and extracts the CBD for its pet products all on its farm in Paris, Kentucky.
“We were looking for a product that would be helpful for our survivors of the illegal dog meat trafficking trade in East Asia” says Jeffrey Beri, Founder and President of No Dogs Left Behind. “Product quality is paramount in an industry that lacks regulation and oversight. We decided to enter into this strategic alliance with Pawse because they meticulously control every step in the process, ensuring only the highest quality products are used. Perhaps most notable to us is they validate their products with ISO accredited third party lab results, which was something critical to us when deciding to enter into this alliance.”

“It’s incredible how effective these all-natural products can be in helping calm and relax dogs and often improve their overall quality of life, especially as they age,” said Bradley Kerrick, a partner at Pawse, founded in 2019. Kerrick explains “there are studies that indicate that CBD may enhance immune system function, promote relaxation and calming, and helps maintain joint mobility. In essence, said Kerrick, “CBD from hemp is used to supplement a dogs existing endocannabinoid system, and leads to better cellular communication within their bodies, ideally, helping promote homeostasis and optimal function.”
In addition to daily use for helping promote overall health and wellness, Kerrick notes many people find uses for these products during specific scenarios such as peak fireworks times, thunderstorms, road trips or visits to the vet, and for large crowds where dogs can quickly become overwhelmed. “We have seen that a lot of people have found use for CBD products for their dogs when they head back to the office and their pup is at home wondering why mom and dad are gone so much these days.”
CBD treatment is especially helpful to dogs rescued from the dog meat trafficking trade, many of whom have experienced extreme stress and trauma. “There are so many things that trigger them because that’s what they went through,” he said, such as noises from lawnmowers, buses, snow blowers, motorcycles and vacuum cleaners. CBD products, notes Beri, can help your dogs “embrace the environment versus react in a fearful way.”
These freeze-dried CBD treats and oil are available for purchase at NDBL is working with Pawse on additional products such as plant-based CBD treats and gravies. “We are excited to offer these products to our adopters and other pet lovers whose dogs can benefit from CBD on a daily basis and for additional help during stressful situations for their in dogs” says Beri.

About No Dogs Left Behind: No Dogs Left Behind operates boots on ground in East Asia, fighting on the frontlines to rescue dogs from the illegal dog meat trafficking trade. We work hands-on with local activists through emergency response, pulling dogs directly from slaughterhouses, dog meat trucks, wet markets and traffickers. Our mission extends beyond borders, advocating for the creation and enforcement of animal welfare laws and raising awareness for a cruelty-free, sustainable world in which no animal is violated, exploited, tortured or slaughtered for commercial goods or profit. With nearly 500 survivors in our care, No Dogs Left Behind operates sanctuaries in Dayi and Gongyi, China.
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Contact Details
No Dogs Left Behind
Sherry Chen
+1 855-665-0888
Company Website