San Diego Zoo Global Evolves into San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Media tour conducted announcing new name and vision, featuring Paul Baribault, President and CEO of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and Nadine Lamberski, Chief Conservation & Wildlife Health Officer

New York, NY
March 19, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
A video accompanying this announcement is available at:

The San Diego Zoo and Safari Park allow visitors to experience their nonprofit conservation organization’s global effort to protect world’s plant and animal species.
San Diego Zoo Global is evolving to embrace a new name and vision that more fully expresses the global impact the organization is striving for in support of animal and plant conservation. San Diego Zoo Global is now San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (SDZWA), integrating wildlife health, conservation science, along with education, to protect and conserve wildlife worldwide for years to come.
On March 3, Paul Baribault, President and CEO of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and Nadine Lamberski, Chief Conservation and Wildlife Health Officer of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, partnered with D S Simon Media and YourUpdate TV on a nationwide media tour, to discuss how the new name and vison more accurately reflects the organization’s focus on wildlife conservation—and how today it is a driving force for the future, committed to changing outcomes for wildlife around the globe by building alliances to tackle wildlife’s largest challenges.
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s expertise in caring for wildlife is at the core of what makes the organization a unique player in conservation. The deep and extensive knowledge from more than a century of experience around wildlife care, health, veterinary services, nutrition, etc. makes the Alliance invaluable in the global effort to save species. Their science-based approach leverages the diverse skills of their teams and partners, showcasing the limitless potential of how, together, partners can change outcomes for wildlife in their native habitats. And it all starts with the wildlife the Alliance supports at home in San Diego.
Unique to San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance are the two “front doors” of the organization, the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. These parks are essential to fulfilling the mission of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, transferring the knowledge that team members garner on the ground in San Diego into meaningful and impactful conservation work around the globe. Over 5 million visitors annually walk through these two front doors, where they interact directly with some of the wildlife the organization is dedicated to saving.
At the core of their commitment to the wildlife at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is showing up as a strong partner and collaborator with a global network of nearly 200 leading and renowned conservation organizations, including Save the Elephants and Polar Bears International, and many others with a common goal of protecting the world’s wildlife where they live.
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