The Dyscommunication Crisis
Nashville, TN
June 03, 2021 08:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time
We've only scratched the surface of the more profound impact of digital communication. I'll Get Back to You: the Dyscommunication Crisis, Sam George's new book explains what's causing the connectivity problems and offers concrete remedies for emails and texts.
The issue isn't technology. Sam George says the true communication revolution is the end of an immediate feedback loop. Humans have used direct feedback to communicate for millennia. It is necessary for comprehension and understanding others. Everything can be understood and clarified on the spot. It provides a solid foundation for communication critical to relationships.
The broken feedback loop causes the Dyscommunication Crisis. Anxiety, uncertainty, and misunderstanding replace the reassuring backbone of direct feedback. We are never sure if our message is read, fully understood, and whether it will be returned.
You're waiting for a response from your boyfriend. Your supervisor is taking a long time to respond. You've texted your son all day and received no response. You revert to a worst-case scenario for them.
The psychological impact is severe. According to polls, over 66% of people regularly experience anxiety, agitation, worst-case scenarios, and negative loops of thinking because of an unreturned email or text.
Even if your message is returned, it is not always a complete loop. The message might be vague, or you may misinterpret it, resulting in similar issues. Unlike in the past, there's no quick input to clear things up.
We are not wired for digital communication. Cognitive science supports this. The brain seeks immediate feedback so it can complete the patterns it uses to process information. When it cannot finish the loop, it forces us to resort to the worst-case scenario. It is conclusive and satisfies the mind’s need to complete a pattern.
Much of the misunderstandings caused by emails and texts are in relationships. Examples and tips are addressed in chapters, which include dating, couples, family, jobs, and friends. I'll Get Back to you is a digital communication master plan that includes:
1) Tactics to ensure your messages are returned promptly.
2) Examples and tips to prevent miscommunication with partners, family, friends.
3) Tested methods to ensure your email will be read and completely understood.
4) Strategies for following up on unclear and unanswered messages.
5) Proven techniques to quickly stop the anxiety.
If you would like to talk to Sam, or need information, please contact Lori Ames.
Lori Ames
President ThePRFreelancer, Inc.

I’ll Get Back to You:
The Dyscommunication
Crisis: Why Unreturned
Messages Drive Us Crazy and
What to Do About It
by Sam George
Post Hill Press
Trade Paperback
On-Sale: April 27th, 2021
ISBN: 9781642937190
$18.00 US / $25.00 CAD
Sam George is a writer and media consultant who specializes in digital marketing. He is co-author of the nationally acclaimed, The Great Divide: Retro vs Metro America, which defined the cultural divide between Red and Blue states. And envisioned the culture war of today. The book earned reviews in the New York Times, Newsweek, and the L.A. times.
Contact Details
President ThePRFreelancer, Inc.
Lori Ames
+1 631-539-4558