Theorem Expands LinkedIn Offering, Providing New Creative Optimization Packages Packages offer new access to multi-disciplinary teams, in-house tools and smart data to enhance media, marketing and CRM – leading to stronger business performance

Chatham, New Jersey
December 16, 2021 09:34 AM Eastern Standard Time
Theorem, a full-scale flexible digital media and marketing services provider and LinkedIn Marketing Partner, is expanding its LinkedIn offering. Stemming from years of success working with LinkedIn, Theorem’s new Creative Optimization packages include an immersive audit of digital channels to develop original concepts for social campaigns and multiple waves of social posts campaigns that are fully optimized for peak performance.
As a certified LinkedIn Marketing Partner since 2018, Theorem provides clients with a suite of digital solutions including custom creative services packages with content audits, original copy and design and A/B testing. Theorem also led on original design and development for landing pages, microsite, programmatic ad design, message and display ads.
“We are honored to expand our offerings with LinkedIn,” said Kara Degeorgis, Art Director, Theorem. “Data and creative have always gone hand in hand. If you want your creative to do the work for you, you have to understand your audience. A/B testing is critical when it comes to social advertising because it allows for quick wins and insights on messaging, design and the user journey. The key to creative optimization is using an iterative process of Discover, Deliver, Optimize in order to have a sustainable strategy that is always evolving with the customer.”
Brands have utilized the content created by Theorem to drive higher levels of customer engagement on and off the LinkedIn platform.
Theorem recently worked with American Systems on a LinkedIn campaign implementing their Creative Optimization services. Within a two-month period, the campaign drew over 1.5 million impressions, over 9,000 clicks and an average CTR rate of 0.60 percent – outperforming CTR benchmark for the website conversions objective with single image ad at 0.40 percent, according to LinkedIn in August 2021.
Theorem’s creative optimization packages and services bring:
Unique brand insights and tailored recommendations as the creative strategists conduct a thorough understanding of the brand's environment.
Dynamic messaging and design from a team of art directors, copywriters and designers that will produce best-in-class creative for a campaign.
Inspire and capture leads with a custom landing page that will encourage users to learn more about your offering.
Proven results and creative insights that will fuel your future creative campaigns.
About Theorem
Founded in 2002, Theorem creates, delivers and optimizes digital marketing campaigns for some of the world's most successful brands. By offering scaled technology, media, operations, marketing, CRM, and creative solutions under one roof, Theorem can provide flexible, full-service marketing solutions to their clients. Theorem’s consultancy teams and operational expertise helps brands simplify, streamline and automate complex digital tasks. This value exchange saves clients time, reduces their costs, and increases their revenue. For more information, visit
Contact Details
Kite Hill
Maggie Stasko
+1 843-693-7161