Virtual EMDR develops platform to address rising need for mental health resources during pandemic

Unrest, fears of the pandemic and a society verging on a recession has brought challenges to individuals on many fronts, daily chipping away at their mental health, causing a need for far greater numbers to seek help.
The online mental health startup Virtual EMDR is delivering easy access to affordable and proven mental health support for Americans during these critical times of isolation and lockdown, bringing targeted trauma, anxiety and depression care to everyone who needs it through eye-movement therapy. Further, the platform has removed the stigma of therapy by making the resource affordable and available from the comfort of your own home. is the first interactive software system of its kind to provide a complete online EMDR Eye Movement Therapy Program designed specifically for at-home use without needing the assistance of a therapist. EMDR is an extensively researched and scientifically studied therapy technique used by millions of clients and thousands of therapists around the world for more than 30 years.
“There’s no need to get in your car and drive to see a therapist for in-person sessions that cost up to $200 an hour,” Tejcek noted. “The at-home convenience and reasonable pricing of Virtual EMDR mean more people are getting the help they need, in time to make a real difference in their lives.”
Clients using Virtual EMDR report significant improvement 90 percent of the time for conditions ranging from post-traumatic stress to anxiety and eating disorders, according to surveys of thousands of Virtual EMDR users.
Recognizing the historic need for anxiety and stress-relieving mental health therapy during the COVID-19 crisis, Virtual EMDR is also making its valuable services available for free to direct health care workers and first responders. Visit Healthcare heroes-free access for more information. In providing more than 15,000 successful sessions overall, Virtual EMDR has helped numerous members of law enforcement, medical first responders and military veterans.
The need for virtual resources like Virtual EMDR has grown through necessity during the pandemic. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll found nearly half of Americans see the coronavirus crisis harming their mental health and calls to a federal emergency hotline for emotional distress shot up more than 1,000 percent in April. opens access to clinically-proven techniques in eye movement desensitization and processing (EMDR) straight to the comfort and convenience of your home, at prices that remove barriers to vital mental health self-care. Now more than ever, Americans suffering from past trauma and current anxiety need therapist-designed techniques they can access safely from comfortable places at convenient times, without requiring an in-person therapist for guidance. Virtual EMDR is delivering that to thousands of people every month.
“Our clients report remarkable improvements in mood, attitude and ability to function with family, friends and coworkers after completing just 1-3 short sessions with Virtual EMDR’s self-guided programs,” said Virtual EMDR founder Jeff Tejcek. “At a time when people are feeling isolated and anxious about the future, we’re happy to bring highly affordable EMDR services anywhere and everywhere so people can take advantage of their proven techniques.”
For the great majority of Americans currently suffering from higher levels of stress and anxiety, though, the self-guided, affordable and private sessions offered by Virtual EMDR can be life changing.
A Virtual EMDR user said:
- “Virtual EMDR has absolutely helped, I think I’d still be feeling pretty messed up now if not for it. Definitely the weight of the things that were haunting me have significantly lifted, and I'm using it to work through any further anxieties/paranoias I'm finding myself experiencing day to day.” - LX Xander
Virtual EMDR guides users at their own pace through a series of techniques, illustrations, videos and more, all designed on eye movement therapies proven over decades of research and consumer response. Virtual EMDR, the largest online provider of these techniques, is secure and confidential, following all HIPAA protocols for privacy.
Virtual EMDR therapy access starts at $69 a month for unlimited sessions -- some people choose a session once a week, others find benefit once a day. That’s one of the major advantages of the Virtual EMDR plan, allowing those in need total control over the time, place and duration of the techniques that work best for them.
Over thousands of client sessions analyzed by Virtual EMDR, more than half were completed in 30 minutes or less, compared to the hours per session needed to travel to and complete in-person EMDR therapy sessions.
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